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   To be accessible and attract high quality undergraduates:

      Applications    (PDF)

      Enrollment Yield  (PDF)

      Average Median SAT Scores  (PDF)

      Pell Grant Recipients  (PDF)

   To maintain and enhance broad diversity in the student population:

      Undergraduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity  (PDF)

      Graduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity  (PDF)

   To continue current efforts for improving student success and       satisfaction:

      4-Year, 5-Year, 6-Year Graduation Rates   (PDF) (Data Table PDF)

      4-Year Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity  (PDF)

      5-Year Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity  (PDF)

      6-Year Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity  (PDF)

      Time to Degree by Program - Undergraduate  (PDF)

      Time to Degree by Program - PHD  (PDF)

      Student Satisfaction (PDF)

      Graduate Satisfaction - PHD Exit Survey  (PDF)

   To maintain/increase faculty and staff diversity and faculty       scholarly productivity and excellence:

      Full-Time Faculty by Race/Ethnicity  (PDF)

      Full-Time Faculty by Gender  (PDF)

      Full-Time Staff by Race/Ethnicity   (PDF)

      Research and Development Expenditures by Source   (PDF)

      Research and Development Expenditures by Federal Agency  (PDF)

      Research and Development Expenditures-Rutgers Ratio to Peers(PDF)

      License Income and Patents Issued   (PDF)

   To continue a strong service orientation:

      dot Degrees Conferred (PDF)

       Degrees Conferred by Level  (PDF)