John S. Landon-Lane
Professor Department of Economics School of Arts and Sciences 75 Hamilton Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1248
Tel: 848-932-8657 Fax: 732-932-7416 Email Address: lane@economics.rutgers.edu
Professional Identification
Time Series Econometrician, Macroeconomist, Economic Historian.
Chapters in Books or Monographs
Landon-Lane, J.S. & Oosterlinck, K. (2016). Hope Springs Eternal – French Bond Holders and the Soviet Repudiation (1915-1919). In R.W. Kolb (Ed) The Economics of Sovereign Debt: Series no. 327 Three Volume Set. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series. (Pages Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Press. ISBN 978-1-78536 -057-2.(reprint of Kim Oosterlinck and John S. Landon–Lane (2006), ‘Hope Springs Eternal - French Bondholders and the Soviet Repudiation (1915–1919)’, Review of Finance, 10 (4), 507–35)
Landon-Lane, J.S. (2015). Would Large Scale Asset Purchases have helped in the 1930’s? An investigation of the responsiveness of bond yields from the 1930’s to changes in Debt levels. In Owen F. Humpage (Ed) Current Federal Policy Under the Lens of Economic History: Essays to Commemorate the Federal Reserve System’s Centennial. (Pages 241-266). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.ISBN 978-1-107-09909-8.
Bordo, M.D. & Landon-Lane, J.S. (2014). Does Expansionary Monetary Policy Cause Asset Price Booms; Some Historical and Empirical Evidence. In S. Bauducco, L. Christiano, and C. Raddatz (Eds) Macroeconomic and Financial Stability: Challenges for Monetary Policy, (pages 61-116). Santiago, Chile: Central Bank of Chile Press. ISBN 978-956-7421-45-9.
Bordo, M. & Landon-Lane, J.S. (2013). The Banking Panics in the United States in the 1930s: Some Lessons for Today. Crafts, N. and Fearon, P. (Eds), The Great Depression of the 1930’s: Lessons for Today. (Pages 188-211). Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19966-318-7.
Bordo, M. & Landon-Lane, J.S. (2013). Exits from Recessions: The US Experience, 1920 – 2007, In Reinhart, V.R. (Ed) No Way Out: Persistent Government Interventions in the Great Contraction. (Pages 117 –162). Washington D.C.: AEI Press. ISBN 978-0-8447-4358-5.
Bordo, M. & Landon-lane, J.S. (2012). The Global Financial Crisis: Is it Unprecedented? In Cho, D. Mason, A. & Obstfeld, M. (Eds). Global Economic Crisis: Impacts, Transmission and Recovery. ( Pages 19 – 57), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Press. ISBN 978-1-78100-629-0.
Landon-Lane, J.S. Rockoff, H. & Steckel, R.H. (2011). Droughts, Floods, and Financial Distress in the United States. In G.D. Libecap and R. H. Steckel (Eds) The Economics of Climate Change. (Pages 73-98) Chicago, US: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-47988-0.
Basile, P. Landon-Lane, J.S. & Rockoff, H. (2011). Money and Interest Rates in the United States during the Great Depression. In Crafts, N. Mills, T.C. & Wood, G. (Eds), Monetary and Banking History: Essays in honor of Forrest Capie. (pages 135 – 158). London, UK: Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking, Routledge Press. ISBN 978-0-415-45146-8.
Bordo, M. Landon-Lane, J.S. & Redish, A. (2009). Good versus Bad deflation: Lessons from the gold standard era. In Altig, D. & Nosal, E. (Eds), Monetary Policy in Low-Inflation Economies. (pages 127 – 175). New York, US: Cambridge University Press.
Landon-Lane, J.S. & Rockoff, H. (2008). Regional interest rates within a monetary union: Lessons from the United States. In Jonung, L. Walkner, C. & Watson, M. (eds) Building the Financial Foundations of the Euro - Experiences and Challenges. (pages 193—215). London, UK: Routledge Press.
Landon-Lane, J.S. & Rockoff, H. (2007),From Monetary Union to Financial Union in the United States. In Jonung, L and Nautz, J. (Eds) Conflict Potentials in Monetary Unions.(pages 51-72). Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Dimova, R. Gang, I.N. & Landon-Lane, J.S. (2006). The Informal Sector during Crisis and Transition.In Guha-Khasnobis B. & Kanbur, R. (Eds) Informal Labour Markets and Development. (pages 88—108), Basinstoke, UK: Palgrave-McMillan Press.
Landon-Lane, J.S. & Robertson, P. (2002). Populate or Perish: Scale, Growth and Australia’s Post-War Immigration. In Levy, A. and Faria, J.R. (Eds) Economic Growth, Inequality and Migration. (pages 215-234), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Press.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Gang, I.N. Gatsova, K. Landon-Lane, J.S. & Yun, M-S (2018). Vulnerability to Poverty: Tajikistan during and after the Global Financial Crisis. Social Indicators Research, Volume 138, Number 3, August 2018. Pages 925-951. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-017-1689-y
Basile, P. Kan, S.W. Landon-Lane, J.S. & Rockoff, H. (2017). An Index of the Yields of Junk Bonds: 1910-1955. Journal of Economic History, Volume 77, number 4 (December). doi: 10.1017/S0022050717000778
Bordo, M.D. & Landon-Lane, J.S. What explains house price booms: History and empirical evidence in G.P Kouretas and A.P. Papadopoulos (eds) Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics Vol. 23). (pp 1-36). Bingly, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Baumik, S.K & Landon-Lane, J.S. Directional mobility of debt ratings. Borsa Istanbul Review 13(4), 67—78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bir.2013.10.002
Abdulloev, I. Gang, I.N. & Landon-Lane, J.S. (2012). Migration as a Substitute for Informal Activities: Evidence from Tajikistan, in Hartmut Lehmann, Konstantinos Tatsiramos (Eds.) Informal Employment in Emerging and Transition Economies (Research in Labor Economics, Volume 34). (pages 205-227). Bingly, UK: Emerald Group. doi: 10.1108/S0147-9121(2012)0000034009
Bordo, M.D. & Landon-Lane, J.S. (2010). The banking panics in the United States in the 1930s: some lessons for today. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 26(3), pp486-509. doi: 10.1093/oxrep/grq027
Bordo, M.D. Landon-Lane, J.S. & Redish, A. (2010). Deflation, Productivity Shocks and Gold: Evidence from the 1880-1914 Period. Open Economies Review, 21(4), pp515—546. DOI 10.1007/s11079-010-9165-1
Landon-Lane, J.S. and Robertson, P. (2009). Factor Accumulation and Growth Miracles in a Two-Sector Model Neoclassical Growth Model. The Manchester School 77(2) pp 153-170. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9957.2008.02092.x
Landon-Lane, J.S. and Occhino, F. (2008). Bayesian Estimation and Evaluation of the Segmented Markets Friction in Equilibrium Monetary Models. Journal of Macroeconomics, 30(1) pp 444-461. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmacro.2006.12.004
Landon-Lane, J.S. and Rockoff, H. (2007). The origin and diffusion of shocks to regional interest rates in the United States, 1880—2002. Explorations in Economic History, 44(3), pp 487—500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eeh.2006.08.002
Landon-Lane, J.S. and Robertson, P. (2007). Reassessing the Impact of Barriers to Capital Accumulation on International Income Differences. International Economic Review, 48(1), pp 147-153. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2354.2007.00420.x
Landon-Lane, J.S. and Oosterlinck, K. (2006). Hope springs eternal… French bondholders and the Soviet Repudiation (1915-1919). Review of Finance, 10(4), p507-535. DOI 10.1007/s10679-006-9005-8
Co, C. Landon-Lane, J.S. and Yun, M-S. (2006). Inter-State Dynamics of Invention Activities, 1930-2000. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21(8). pp 1111-1134. DOI: 10.1002/jae.909
Klug, A. Landon-Lane, J.S. White, E.N. (2005). How Could Everyone have been so wrong?: Forecasting the Great Depression with the railroads. Explorations in Economic History. 42(1). p. 27-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eeh.2004.06.001
Gang, I. Landon-Lane, J.S. Yun M-S. (2003). Gender Differences in German Upward Income Mobility. Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies) 123(1). p3-14.
Landon-Lane, J.S. (2002). Inverting the Hodrick-Prescott Filter. Computational Economics, 20(3), p117-138. DOI: 10.1023/A:1020923129872
Electronic Publications, Refereed
Coleman, A. & Landon-Lane, J.S. (2007). Housing Markets and Migration in New Zealand, 1962-2006. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper 2007/12. http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/research-and-publications/discussion-papers/2007/dp2007-12
Electronic Publications, Not Refereed
Basile, P. Kang, S.W., Landon-Lane, J.S. & Rockoff, H. (2015). Towards a History of the Junk Bond Market, 1910-1955, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #21559. Cambridge, MA: NBER. DOI: 10.3386/w21559.
Landon-Lane, J.S. & Rockoff, H. (2013). The Paradox of Planning: The Controlled Materials Plan of World War II. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #h0083. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. DOI: 10.3386/h0083. (Orignal date of publication May 1996, updated 2013)
Published Conference Proceedings
Landon-Lane, J.S. (2006) A Full Information Bayesian Approach to the Evaluation and Estimation of DSGE Models. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Bayesian Statistical Science Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association: pp. 72-78.
Landon-Lane, J.S. (2001) Recursive Macroeconomic Theory. Economic Record 77 (237) , p215-216.
Students Supervised for Independent Studies
UG: Christopher Russo, 2016, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Economics, “Estimating Asset Price Models with Missing Data: A Bayesian Approach Using Data Augmentation”
UG: Willian Buenzle, 2015, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Economics, "Post-war Recovery and the Analysis of Official Development Assistance"
UG: Ana Laura Dias, 2014, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Economics, "Economic Growth and Inequality"
UG: Zachary LaPorta, 2014, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Economics, “Using Structural Vector Autoregression Techniques to Model the Australian Housing Market between Q3 1986 and Q2 2005”
UG: Michelle Lee, 2014, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Economics, "Women of Color in the Great Recession"
UG: Patrick Newman, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2013, Economics, “Deflation and Annual Economic Activity in the United States before WWI (1800-1913)”
UG: Shafat Alam, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2013, Economics, "The Role of Productive Growth in Growth Miracles”
UG: Christopher Mischaikow, 2012, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Main adviser, Economics, "Asset Bubbles and Trade Volume"
Master's or Doctoral Students by Type of Supervision
Doctoral - Primary: XI ZHANG, 2017, PhD, Main Adviser, "Essays on Risk Management of Financial Market with Bayesian Estimation"
Doctoral - Committee: NICCOLO BATTISTINI, 2017, PhD, Committee Member, "Essays on Sovereign Debt in the Euro Area"
Doctoral - Committee: KIHWAN KIM, 2016, PhD, Committee Member, "Essays on Forecasting Macroeconomic and Financial Variables using Mixed Frequency Data"
Doctoral - Committee: YANG LI, 2016, PhD, Committee Member, "Three essays on financial fragility and regulation"
Doctoral - Committee: ELENA STOLPOVSKY, 2016, PhD, Committee Member, "Family Labor Supply, Migration, and Marriage: Theory and Econometric Analysis"
Doctoral - Committee: ROQUE MONTERO, 2016, PhD, Committee Member, "Forecasting and Monetary Policy Analysis: New Empirical Evidence"
Doctoral - Primary: DONG-WHAN KO, 2015, PhD, Main adviser, "Segmented Labor Markets and Monetary Policy"
Doctoral - Committee: CHENG GAO , 2015, PhD, Committee Member, "High Frequency Trading, Hidden Orders and Market Quality in Equities"
Doctoral - Committee: GEORGIA BUSH, 2015, PhD, Committee Member, "Essays on capital flows, and banking sector experience effects and knowledge spillovers "
Doctoral - Primary: DAISUKE GOTO, 2014, PhD, Main adviser, "Empirical and Experimental Approaches to Nonoptimal Allocations of Goods and Services"
Doctoral - Committee: ILHOM ABDULLOEV, 2013, PhD, Committee Member, "Impact of Emigration on Professional Education, Labor Supply and Informal Sector Activities"
Doctoral - Committee: Demet Tunali, 2012, PhD, Committee member, Economics, "Essays on Monetary Economics"
Doctoral - Committee: JEEHYUN PARK, 2012, PhD, Committee Member, "Essays on Bayesian Inference of Time-Series and Ordered Panel Data Models"
Doctoral - Primary: SEUNG MOON LEE, 2011, PhD, Main adviser, "Essays on New Keynesian Models"
Doctoral - Committee: Kaveh Akram, 2011, PhD, committee member, economics, "Essays in Semiparametric Econometrics Theory and Applications"
Doctoral - Committee: ADAM GULAN, 2011, PhD, Committee Member, "Essays in International Macroeconomics"
Doctoral - Committee: SHILIANG LI, 2011,PhD, Committee Member, "Three Essays on Econometrics: Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution, Econometric Computation and Multifactor Model"
Doctoral - Committee: YOICHI OTSUBO, 2011, PhD, Committee Member, "Essays on Empirical Market Microstructure"
Doctoral - Committee: HARUHIKO SHIMIZU, 2011, PhD, Committee Member, "Essays on Bayesian Inference in Regression Models with Non-Normal Error Terms"
Doctoral - Committee: EMEL YILDIRIM, 2011, PhD, Committee Member, "Three essays in Applied Econometrics"
Doctoral - Committee: RAUL HERNANDEZ BAEZ, 2011, PhD, Committee Member, "Essays in Interest Rates, Pension Funds and Monetary Policy in Emerging Economies"
Doctoral - Committee: JI YON LEE, 2011, PhD, Committee Member, "A Semiparametric Capital Asset Pricing Model With Liquidity And Its Application"
Doctoral - Committee: LILI CAI, 2010, Phd, Committee Member, "Essays on Financial Econometrics"
Doctoral - Committee: Andres Fernandez, 2010, PhD, Committee member, Economics, "Essays on Aggregate Fluctuations in Emerging Economies"
Doctoral - Primary: NOHA EMARA, 2009, Phd, Main adviser, "Essays on Inflation Volatility and Economic Growth"
Doctoral - Committee: NII AYI ARMAH, 2009, Phd, Committee Member, "Essays on Forecasting"
Doctoral - Committee: XIANGHUA LIU, 2009, Phd, Committee Member, "Essays on Bayesian Inference in Financial Economics"
Doctoral - Committee: CHAN SHEN, 2009, Phd, Committee Member, "Healthcare Decisions: Formulation and Application of Semiparametric Methods"
Doctoral - Committee: GUO CHEN, 2009, Phd, Committee Member, "Essays on Model Selection using Bayesian Inference"
Doctoral - Primary: MD RABBY, 2008, Phd, Committee Member, "Essays on the Post 9/11 Labor Markets for “Muslims” in the West -Evidence from the U.S. and the U.K"
Doctoral - Primary: YOKO IBUKA, 2008, Phd, Committee Member, "Models in Finance and Medicine using Bayesian Inference"
Doctoral - Committee: LEAH TRAUB, 2007, Phd, Committee Member, "Empirical Essays in International Financial Markets"
Doctoral - Committee: Arnina Abazi, 2007, PhD, Committee member, Economics, "Bayesian and Classical Inference of Risk with Applications"
Doctoral - Committee: BODHISATTV GANGULI, 2007, Phd, Committee Member, "Essays on International Trade, Protectionism and Financial Flows"
Doctoral - Committee: MARIA LAUVE, 2007, Phd, Committee Member, "Demand Estimation and Policy Implications in Markets for Casino Gaming and Electricity"
Doctoral - Committee: HYESUN KIM, 2006, Phd, Committee Member, "The Role of Econometrics in Policy Evaluations: The Liquidity Trap Case"
Doctoral - Committee: Saubhik Deb, 2005, PhD, Committee member, Economics, "Essays on Crises and Recoveries"
Doctoral - Committee: Sonal Dhingra, 2005, PhD, Committee member, Economics, "Capital markets: Access and Denial"
Master's - Primary: Hanbing Shi, 2017, MA, Main adviser, "Identifying the Existence of Long-Run Convergence Clubs"
Master's - Committee: Phillip Roth, 2015, MA, committee member, "Investors Make Bottoms; Traders Make Tops: An Analysis of Technical Indicators That Show How The Attitudes and Activities Of Stock Market Participants Aid Forecasting"
Master's - Primary: Ji Wang, 2015, MA, Main adviser, "Can the Yield Curve Still predict U.S. Economic Activity?"
Master's - Committee: Gwendolyn De Baca, 2014, MA, Committee member, "The Evolution of Sovereign Credit Spread Dynamics: August 2004-September 2011"
Master's - Committee: Meenal Singh, 2013, MA, committee member, "Stock Market liquidity: A Comparison of NYSE and NASDAQ listed securities"
Master's - Primary: Francisco Ormazabel, 2013, MA, Main adviser, "A Comparison of Monetary Policy Rules for Chile"
Master's - Committee: Paul Huzarski, 2012, MA, Committee member, "Econometric Analysis of the Bank of America Stock Price Before and After the Financial Crisis in 2007"
Master's - Primary: Devadutta Basu, 2011, MA, Main adviser, "Monetary policy transmission and regime switches in India: Application of SVAR and MS-VAR Models"
Master's - Primary: Xiaoxiao Gu, 2011, MA, Main adviser, "Estimating Exchange rate pass-through for China"
Master's - Committee: Gulin Cakmak, 2009, MA, Committee member, "Turkish Assimilation: A Cross-Country Study"
Master's - Committee: Nuttanan Wichitaksorn, 2009, MA, Committee member, "A Bayesian Analysis of Tobit Model with Non-Gaussian Error: The Case of Three-Parameter Asymmetric Laplace Distribution"
Master's - Committee: Sharad Bhasker, 2008, MA, Committee member, "Financial Market Interdependence: The Copla-GARCH Model"
Master's - Committee: Berna Falay, 2008, MA, Committee member, "Intergenerational Income Mobility: A Comparison of East and West Germany"
Master's - Primary: Elsa Izaguirre-Vivar, 2008, MA, Main adviser, "Markov Switching Models: Applications to Peruvian Real GDP and U.S. Consumption: 1984-2007"
Master's - Primary: Sebnem Kulaksizglu, 2008, MA, Main Adviser, "Modeling the Relation between U.S. Excess Money Growth and Inflation with a Smooth Transition Regression Model"
Master's - Primary: Iljin Sung, 2008, MA, Main Adviser, "The Determinants of Aggregate Health Care Expenditure: Re-examination of Newhouse's conjecture"
Master's - Committee: Stonier Grunow, 2007, MA, Committee member, "Reciprocal Feedback of Unemployment Levels and Primary and Secondary Education Spending"
Master's - Committee: Ibrahim Bakir, 2005, MA, Committee member, "Trade Effects of Turkey's Accession to the European Customs Union"
Master's - Committee: Seo Yeon Hong, 2005, MA, Committee member, "Application of CKLS Model with ARMA-GARCH Errors to Weekly Data on Foreign Exchange Rates"
Master's - Committee: Iryna Kosse, 2004, MA, Committee member, "The Russian Military: Education and the Draft (Income Inequality)"
Master's - Committee: Volodymyr Kosse, 2004, MA, Committee member, "Estimation of Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution Coefficient and Testing Constancy of this Coefficient over Time"
Master's - Committee: Anindita Basu, 2004, MA, Committee member, "The Duration of Private Insurance in the Light of Welfare Measure in 1996"
Master's - Primary: Julia Moran, 2004, MA, Main Advisor, "A Comparison of Real Estate Selling Methods"
Master's - Committee: Vinay Kim, 2003, MA, Committee member, "The Effectiveness of Stock Analysts' Sell Recommendations: An Econometric Investigation"
Master's - Committee: Timothy Wilson, 2003, MA, Committee member, "An Empirical Test for the Profitability of Intertemporal Price Discrimination"
Master's - Committee: Dhiman Das, 2003, MA, "A Bayesian Algorithm for a Markov Switching GARCH Model"
Master's - Primary: Mehmet Adar, 2003, MA, Main adviser, Economics, “The Expectations Theory of Interest Rates in the U.S. at the Short-End of the Maturity Spectrum”
Master's - Committee: Seungil Kim, 2003, MA, "Tests of Expectations Hypothesis: The Case of Korea"
Master's - Primary: Aparajayo Banerjee, 2003, MA, "An inquiry into the GARCH structure of American Healthcare Stocks"
Master's - Committee: Mark Goldhammer, 2002, MA, Committee Member, "Premium to Academic AcHievement and Endogenous Choice of College Major"