Photo Jan Kubik
Distinguished Professor
Department of Political Science
School of Arts and Sciences
89 George Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Professor Emeritus of Slavonic and East European Studies
University College London

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ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0017-381X
Highest Earned Degree
Ph.D. (with distinction), Columbia University, Anthropology, 1989.
“The Role of Symbols in the Legitimation of Power. Poland: 1976-1981.” 1989. Dissertation director: Alexander Alland, Jr. Readers: Andrew Arato (New School for Social Research), Stanislaw Baranczak (Harvard), Robert Murphy, Joseph Rothschild, Joan Vincent (Columbia).
Other Earned Degrees
M.Phil. (Polish Equivalent), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, Sociology, 1977.
B.A. (Polish equivalent), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, Philosophy, 1982 (M.A program completed, no thesis).
  Employment History
Positions Held
07/2012-ongoing: Professor of Political Science (Distinguished Professor since 2021), Rutgers University, NJ (on leave January 2015 - August 2017)
01/2015-ongoing: Professor of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London (emeritus since 02/2024)
2001-2021: Recurring Visiting Professor of Sociology, Graduate School for Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
07/2014-08/2014: Adjunct Professor, International Summer Campus, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
03/2014-05/2014: Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Warsaw, Poland
07/1998-06/2012: Associate Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University, NJ
09/2006-06/2007: Professor and Distinguished Fulbright Chair in East European Studies, 2006-07, University of Warsaw, Poland
03/2005-04/2005: Visiting Professor of Political Science, Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia
09/2002-11/2002: Visiting Professor of Political Science, University of Latvia, Riga
07/1991-06/1998: Assistant Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University, NJ.
09/1988-06/1990: Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio
01/1987-07/1987: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Barnard College/Columbia University
10/1978-09/1982: Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Titles or Assignments within Positions Held
07/2023-06/2024: Chair (interim), Department of Political Science, Rutgers
07/2022-06/2023: Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science, Rutgers
07/2018-12/2018: Chair (interim), Department of Political Science, Rutgers
01/2015-08/2017: Director, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London
05/2015-08/2017: Pro-vice Provost International (Europe), University College London
04/2012-12/2014: Chair, Department of Political Science, Rutgers
07/2009-04/2012: Undergraduate Vice-chair, Department of Political Science, Rutgers
07/1999-06/2005: Director, Center for Comparative European Studies, Rutgers University
1996-1998: Chair, Comparative Politics Field, Department of Political Science, Rutgers
  Research Interests
Description of Research and Scholarly or Creative Objectives
My main scholarly interest is the relationship between politics/power and culture. I study how power is exercised through such ostensibly a-political means as rhetoric, celebrations, rituals, artistic performances, etc., in addition to observing economic dominance and institutional control. I also work on social movements and protest politics. My third area of interest is political anthropology and its relationship with comparative politics. Geographically my research concentrates on Poland, East-Central Europe and the western part of the former Soviet Union (in this order). Recently, most of my work has been concentrated on regime transitions and processes of democratization, the politics of memory, the rise of (right-wing) populism, and the interpretive and ethnographic methods in political science.
Aronoff, M. and J. Kubik. 2013. Anthropology and Political Science: A Convergent Approach. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. 1999. Rebellious Civil Society: Popular Protest and Democratic Consolidation in Poland, 1989-1993. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Kubik, J. 1994. The Power of Symbols Against the Symbols of Power. The Rise of Solidarity and the Fall of State Socialism in Poland. University Park: Penn State University Press.
  • Polish translation, Siła symboli przeciwko symbolom siły. Gdańsk: European Solidarity Centre, 2020.
Edited Books, Anthologies, Collections, Bibliographies
Kubik, J. and R. C. M. Mole, eds. 2025 (fothcoming). The Anatomy of Right-wing Populism: Dealing with Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe. London: UCL Press.
Kubik, J, ed. 2022. Ethnologia Polona. Volume 43: Ethnographies of Protests. Institute of Archeology and Anthropology. Polish Academy of Sciences.
Bernhard, M. and J. Kubik, eds. 2014. Twenty Years After Communism: The Politics of Memory and Commemoration. Oxford University Press.
Kubik, J. and A. Linch, eds. 2013. Postcommunism from Within: Social Justice, Mobilization, and Hegemony. New York: SSRC/NYU Press.
Kubik, J. and A. Jawlowska, eds. 2007-8. Societas/Communitas. Double issue on social movements (in Polish), 2 (4) – 1(5).
Chapters in Books or Monographs
Kubik, J. and R. C. M. Mole. 2025. "Dealing with Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe," in Kubik, J. and R. C. M. Mole, eds. 2025 (fothcoming). The Anatomy of Right-wing Populism: Dealing with Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe. London: UCL Press.
Kubik, J. 2024. "Illiberalism as a culture," in Marlene Laruelle, ed. The Oxford Handbook on Illiberallism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Polish language version published in Concilium Civitas Almanac 2023-24.
Kubik, J. 2023. “The Mythologized Populist Imagination, Carnival Rebellion, and the Fate of Liberal Democracy,” in Gadowska, Kaja, ed. Sociological Agora. Master Lectures from Poland. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press. Distributed by Columbia University Press.
Kubik, J. 2020. "Tadeusz Kantor’s Theater as an Antidote Against the Excesses of Nationalism and Idiocy of State Socialism," in Yael S. Aronoff, Ilan Peleg, and Saliba Sarsar, eds. Change in Political Culture. Israel and Beyond. Lanham: Lexington Books, 203-22.
Kubik, J. 2020. "How to think about ‘area’ in area studies?" in Zoran Milutinovic, ed. The Rebirth of Area Studies: Challenges for History, Politics and International Relations in the 21st Century. I.B. Tauris, 53-90.
Kubik, J. 2019. "Cultural Approaches," in Merkel, W., Kollmorgen, R. and H-J Wagener, eds. Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford University Press, 84-94.
Kubik, J. 2018. "Ethnographies of Power," in Harald Wydra and Bjørn Thomassen, eds. Handbook of Political Anthropology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 358-92.
Kubik, J. 2018. "Conclusion: ambiguities of accommodation, resistance and rebellion," in Alena Ledeneva et al., eds. The Global Encyclopedia of Informality. Volume 1. London: UCL Press, 374-8.
Ekiert, G., and J. Kubik. 2018. "The Study of Protest Politics in Eastern Europe in the Search of Theory," in Fagan, A. and P. Kopecky, eds. The Rutledge Handbook of East European Politics. Rutledge, 197-207.
Ekiert, G., Kubik, J. and M. Wenzel. 2017. "Country Report: Poland," in Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Taking stock and looking ahead. Vienna: Vienna University of Business and Economics, 76-91.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. 2017. "Civil Society in Postcommunist Europe: Poland in a Comparative Perspective," in K. Jacobsson and E. Korolczuk, eds. Civil Society Revisited. Lessons from Poland. New York: Berghahn, 39-62.
Kubik, J. 2016. "Foreword," in T. Rakowski, Hunters, Gatherers, And Practitioners of Powerlessness. An Ethnography of the Degraded in Postsocialist Poland. New York: Berghahn, viii-xi.
Kubik, J. 2015. "Solidarity’s Afterlife: Amidst Forgetting and Bickering," in Andrzej Rychard and Gabriel Motzkin, eds. The Legacy of Polish Solidarity: Social Activism, Regime Collapse, and Building a New Society. Peter Lang Publishers, 161-202.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. 2015. "Mity i rzeczywistość społeczeństwa obywatelskiego," in Dariusz Niedźwiecki, ed., Tożsamość i integracja europejska, Nomos.
Kubik, J. 2014. "Kulturtheoretische Ansätze." In R. Kollmorgen, W. Merkel, H. K. Wagener, eds, Handbuch Transformationsforschung, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 111-23.
Kubik, J. and M. Bernhard. 2014. "A Theory of the Politics of Memory." In Bernhard, M. and J. Kubik, eds. Twenty Years After Communism: The Politics of Memory and Commemoration. Oxford University Press.
Kubik, J. and M. Bernhard. 2014. "Conclusions." In Bernhard, M. and J. Kubik, eds. Twenty Years After Communism: The Politics of Memory and Commemoration. Oxford University Press.
Bernhard, M. and J. Kubik. 2014. "Roundtable Discord: The Contested Legacy of 1989 in Poland." In Bernhard, M. and J. Kubik, eds. Twenty Years After Communism: The Politics of Memory and Commemoration. Oxford University Press.
Kubik, J. 2013. "From Transitology to Contextual Holism: A Theoretical Trajectory of Post-communist Studies." In Postcommunism from Within: Social Justice, Mobilization, and Hegemony, edited by Jan Kubik and Amy Linch, 27-94. New York: SSRC/NYU Press.
Kubik, J. 2009. "Ethnography of Politics: Foundations, Applications, Prospects." In Political Ethnography: What Immersion Contributes to the Study of Power, edited by Edward Schatz, 25-52. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Kubik, J. and A. T. Linch. 2009. "The Original Sin of Poland’s Third Republic: Discounting ‘Solidarity’ and its Consequences for Political Reconciliation." In The Polish Solidarity Movement in Retrospect. A Story of Failure or Success? Dariusz Aleksandrowicz, edited by Stefani Sonntag, Jan Wielgohs, 23-65. Berlin: GSFP.
Kubik, J. 2009. "Solidarity." In International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest 1500-Present, edited by Immanuel Ness. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 3072-80.
Kubik, J. 2008. "Hybridization as a Condition of Civil Society’s Portability." In Building Civil Society and Democracy in New Europe, edited by Sven Eliaeson, 107-29. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Kubik, J. 2008. "Państwo a Społeczeństwo Obywatelskie w Czasach Globalizacji i Transnacjonalizacji." In Oblicza lokalności. Ku nowym formom życia lokalnego, edited by Joanna Kurczewska, 3-24. Warsaw: IFiS PAN.
Kubik, J. 2007. "The State and Civil Society. Traditions and New Forms of Governing." In Civil Society and the State, edited by Emil Brix, Jürgen Nautz, Werner Wutscher, and Rita Trattnigg, 33-52. Vienna: Passagen Verlag.
Kubik, J. 2006. "Avant-garde Theater contra State Socialism: What was Global before the Era of Globalization (in Tadeusz Kantor’s Theater)?" In Stawanie się Społeczeństwa, edited by Andrzej Flis, 267-91. Krakow: Universitas (in Polish).
Kubik, J. 2003. "Cultural Legacies of State Socialism: History-making and Cultural-political Entrepreneurship in Postcommunist Poland and Russia." In Capitalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing the Legacy of Communist Rule, edited by Grzegorz Ekiert and Stephen E. Hanson, 317-51. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

· Russian translation: Ab Imperio 2002/2: 415-58.
· Romanian translation: “Mosteniri culturale ale socialismului de stat: crearea de istorie si anterprenoriatul cultural-politic in Polonia si Rusia postcomuniste.” In: Capitalism si democratie in Europe Centrala si de Est, edited by Grzegorz Ekiert and Stephen E. Hanson, 384-423. Bucuresti: Polirom, 2010.
Kubik, J. 2002. "Znak i Symbol" (Sign and Symbol). In Encyklopedia Socjologii (Encyclopedia of Sociology), edited by Wladyslaw Kwasniewicz et. al., 359-63. Warsaw: Oficyna Naukowa.
Kubik, J. 2001. "Rebelliousness and Civility. Strategies of Coping with the Systemic Change in Poland." In Poland beyond Communism. “Transition” in Critical Perspective, edited by M. Buchowski, E. Conte and C. Nagengast, 141-62. Fribourg: University Press Fribourg, Switzerland.
Kubik, J. 2000. "The Irrelevance of Nationalism (the Relevance of Globalism)? Cultural Frames of Collective Protest in Post-Communist Poland, 1989-1993." In Globalizations and Social Movements: Culture, Power and the Transnational Public Sphere, edited by John A. Guidry, Michael D. Kennedy, and Mayer N. Zald, 109-26. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. 2000. "Civil Society and Democratization in Poland. Forms of Organization and Types of Foreign Assistance." In Democratic Consolidation: the International Dimension: Hungary, Poland, and Spain, edited by Gerhard Mangott, Harald Waldrauch and Stephen Day, 257-92. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Kubik, J. 2000. "Between the State and Networks of ‘Cousins’: The Role of Civil Society and Noncivil Associations in the Democratization of Poland." In Civil Society Before Democracy, edited by Nancy Bermeo and Phil Nord, 181-207. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
Kubik, J. 2000. "The Polish Round Table of 1989: The Cultural Dimension(s) of the Negotiated Regime Change." In Negotiating Radical Change. Understanding and Extending the Lessons of the Polish Round Table Talks, edited by Michael D. Kennedy and Brian Porter, 87-109. Project funded by the United States Institute for Peace. Ann Arbor: The Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan.
Kubik, J. and G. Ekiert "Protest Event Analysis in the Study of Democratic Consolidation: Poland, 1989-1993." In Protest Event Analysis: Methodological Perspectives and Empirical Results, edited by Dieter Rucht, Ruud Koopmans, and Friedhelm Neidhardt, 317-48. Lanham: Rowman and Littelfield, 1999.
- Published in Germany in Berlin: Sigma Press, 1998.
Kubik, J. 1998. "Institutionalization of Protest During Democratic Consolidations in Central Europe." In The Social Movement Society. Contentious Politics for a New Century, edited by David S. Meyer and Sidney Tarrow, 131--52. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
Kubik, J. and G. Ekiert. 1996. "Instruction for Protest Event Analysis in Hungary and a Questionnaire for the Survey." In Uj Rendeszeti Tanulmanyok. Mobilization and Policing of Protest in Western Europe and Hungary, edited by Peter Timoranszky, 165-86. Budapest: Police Research Institutes Studies.
Kubik, J. 1983. "Social and Political Instability in Poland: A Theoretical Reconsideration." In Communist Societies in Transition: Eastern Europe on the Threshold of Change, edited by Jacek Szmatka, Zdzislaw Mach and Janusz Mucha, 23-64. The Edwin Mellen Press.
Kubik, J. 1985. "On the Notion of Function in Malinowski's Anthropology." In The Social Anthropology of Bronislaw Malinowski, edited by Andrzej Paluch and Mariola Flis, 139-57. Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers (in Polish).
Kubik, J. “Interpretation and Understanding or Explanation? Some Methodological Dilemmas of the Sociology of Culture.” In Selected Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Sociological Research, edited by Jacek Wasilewski, 7-41. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press (in Polish), 1984.
Kubik, Jan and Z. Mach. 1982. "Student Theater STU in the Eyes of Its Audience." In Theater STU, edited by Edward Chudzinski and Tadeusz Nyczek, 155-63. Warsaw: Mlodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza (in Polish), 1982.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Kubik, J. 2024. "Neo-Feudalism and Neo-Traditionalism as Responses to Liberalism." East European Politics and Societies, 38, 4, 1067-1079. DOI:
Cottica, A., Davidov, V., Góralska, M., Kubik, J., Melançon, G., Mole, R., Pinaud, B. and Szymański, W. 2023. "Operationalizing anthropological theory: four techniques to simplify networks of co-occurring ethnographic codes." Applied Network Science 8, 22, (online, open access, 28 pages).
Kubik, Jan. 2022. "Introduction: anthropology of contentious politics." Ethnologia Polona. Ethnographies of Protests. Institute of Archeology and Anthropology. Polish Academy of Sciences, 5-18.
Kotwas, M. and J. Kubik. 2022. “Beyond ‘Making Poland Great Again.’ Nostalgia in Polish Populist and Non-populist Discourses.” Sociological Forum, open access online: DOI:
Kulakevich, T. and J. Kubik. 2022. “Anti-Authoritarian Learning: Prospects for Democratization in Belarus Based on a Study of Polish Solidarity.” Nationalities Papers, open access online: DOI:
Kotwas, M. and J. Kubik. 2019. "Symbolic Thickening of Public Culture and the Rise of Right-Wing Populism in Poland," East European Politics and Societies, and Cultures, 33 2, 435-471.
Ekiert, G., J. Kubik, M. Wenzel. 2017. "Civil Society and Three Inequalities in Poland." Comparative Politics, 49, 3, 331-350.
Kubik, J. 2015. "Between Contextualization and Comparison: A Thorny Relationship between East European Studies and Disciplinary 'Mainstreams." East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 29, 2, 352-65.
Kubik, J. and G. Ekiert. 2014. "Myths and Realities of Civil Society." Journal of Democracy 25, 1, 46-58.
Kubik, J. 2013. "Illiberal Challenge to Liberal Democracy: The Case of Poland." Taiwan Journal of Democracy 8, 2, 79-89.
Kubik, J. and M. Wenzel. 2008. The Logic of Civil Society: Poland, Hungary, South Korea and Taiwan. Project’s Outline and Preliminary Results." Societas/Communitas, 4-5, 97-106 (in Polish).
Kubik, J. 2008. "Contentious Politics, Protest, Social Movements: The Logic of Theory Development." Societas/Communitas 4-5, 39-80 (in Polish).
Ekiert, G., J. Kubik, and M. A. Vachudova. 2007. "Democracy in the Post Communist World: an Unending Quest?" East European Politics and Societies 21, 1, 7-30.
Kubik, J. and A. T. Linch. 2006. "The Original Sin of Poland’s Third Republic: Discounting ‘Solidarity’ and its Consequences for Political Reconciliation." Polish Sociological Review 1, 153, 13-34.
Kubik, J. 2005. "How to Study Civil Society: The State of the Art and What to do Next." East European Politics and Societies 19, Winter, 105-20.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. 1998. "Contentious Politics in New Democracies. East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, 1989-1994." World Politics 50, 547-81.
Ekiert, G and J. Kubik. 1998. "Collective Protest in Postcommunist Poland, 1989-1993." Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 31, 2, 91-117.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. 1997. "Protesty Spoleczne w Nowych Demokracjach: Polska, Slowacja, Wegry, i Niemcy Wschodnie (1989-1994)." Studia Socjologiczne 4, 147, 21-59 (in Polish).
  • Reprinted in 2011 Wielka transformacja. Zmiany ustroju w Polsce po 1989, ed. Ireneusz Krzemiński, 359-89. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Losgraf, 2011.
Kubik, J. 1994. "The Role of Decentralization and Cultural Revival in Post-Communist Transformations: The Case of Cieszyn Silesia, Poland." Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 27, 331-55.
Kubik, J. 1994. "Who Done It? Workers or Intellectuals. A Controversy over Solidarity’s Origins and Social Composition." Theory and Society, 23, 441-66.
Kubik, J. 1989. "Polish May Day Celebrations in the 1970s and in 1981. An Essay on the Symbolic Dimension of a Struggle for Political Legitimacy." The Polish Review XXXV, 2, 99-116.
Kubik, J. 1983. "The Role of Art in the Process of Symbolic Legitimation of Social Order." Polska Sztuka Ludowa 3, 3-11 (in Polish).
Kubik, J. and Z. Mach. 1982. "Student Theater and Its Audience," Kultura i Spoleczenstwo 3, 259-75 (in Polish).
Kubik, J. 1979. "Explanations of the Genesis of Aesthetic and Artistic Facts in the Sociology of Art." Studia Socjologiczne 74, 3, 91-209 (in Polish).
Articles in Non-refereed or General Journals
Kubik, J. 2020. "Against the Imitation Thesis: A Critical Reading of The Light That Failed by Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes." The Concilium Civitas Almanac. Volume 2. Warsaw (English and Polish versions).
Kubik, J. 2019. "The Cultural Contradictions of Post-communism." The Concilium Civitas Almanac. Warsaw (English and Polish versions).
Kubik, J. “Ethnographic Innovations in the Study of Post-Communism: Two Examples.” Symposium: Ethnographic Methods in Political Science, Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, Fall, 2009: 37-41.
Kubik, J. “Introducing Rigor to the Teaching of Interpretive Methods.” Symposium: Teaching Interpretive Methods, Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, Spring, 2009: 11-17.
Kubik, J. “Review Essay. Historical Memory and the End of Communism.” Journal of Cold War Studies, 9, 2 (2007): 127–133.
Kubik, J. “Reflections on Marian Kempny: Friend and an (Intellectual) Guide.” Societas/Communitas 3, 1 (2007): 241-50 (in Polish).
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. “Response to Mark Kramer’s Review of ‘Rebellious Civil Society’." Communist and Post-communist Studies, (2002): 223-28.
Kubik, J. “Culture, Administrative Reform, and Local Politics: Overlooked Dimensions of the Post-communist Transformation.” The Anthropology of East Europe Review Vol. 10 (2) (1991): 12-27.
Kubik, J. “Poland - Local Government: the Basic Laws and Most Common Problems.” Report on Eastern Europe Vol. 2 (22) (1991): 19-22.
Published Conference Proceedings
Cottica, A., Davidov, V., Góralska, M., Kubik, J., Melançon, G., Mole, R., Pinaud, B. and Szymański, W. 2023. “Reducing Networks of Ethnographic Codes Co-occurrence in Anthropology.” In Crina Dam̧sa and Amanda Barany, editors, Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Cham: Springer, pp. 43-57.
Kubik, J. “Civil Society: Universal and Portable?” in International Civil Society Forum – 2003 Documents, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (conference proceedings) (2004): 50-60.
Kubik, J. and G. Wells. 2016. Review of Jacobsson, Kerstin (ed). Urban Grassroots Movements in Central and Eastern Europe. Ashgate, Farnham and Burlington, VT., Slavonic and East European Review, 94, 3 (July), 591-594.
Kubik, J. "Glebokie spojrzenie na Slask Cieszynski." Review of Slaskosc i Protestantyzm. Antropologiczne studia o Slasku Cieszynskim, by Grazyna Kubica. Studia Socjologiczne 3, 2012, 171-4.
Kubik, J. “Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War.” Review of Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War by Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way. Slavic Review 2011, 70 (3): 660-4.
Kubik, J. “The Politics of Memory in Postwar Europe and After the Massacre: Commemoration and Consolation in Ha My and My Lai.” Review of The Politics of Memory in Postwar Europe, edited by Richard Ned Lebow, Wulf Kansteiner and Claudio Fogu, and After the Massacre: Commemoration and Consolation in Ha My and My Lai by Heonik Kwon. Perspectives on Politics, 2008.
Kubik, J. “From Elections to Democracy: Building Accountable Government in Hungary and Poland.” Review of From Elections to Democracy: Building Accountable Government in Hungary and Poland by Susan Rose-Ackerman. Slavic Review, 2007.
Kubik, J. “The Roundtable Talks of 1989: The Genesis of Hungarian Democracy: Analysis and Documents.” Review of The Roundtable Talks of 1989: The Genesis of Hungarian Democracy: Analysis and Documents,” edited by Andras Bozoki. Slavic Review, 2004.
Kubik, J. “Resistance and Rebellion: Lessons from Eastern Europe.” Review of Resistance and Rebellion: Lessons from Eastern Europe by Roger D. Petersen. American Political Science Review, 2002.
Kubik, J. “Symbol and Ritual in the New Spain. The Transition to Democracy after Franco.” Review of Symbol and Ritual in the New Spain. The Transition to Democracy after Franco, by Laura Desfor Edles, American Journal of Sociology, 1999.
Kubik, J. “Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters Under Lenin and Stalin.” Review of Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters Under Lenin and Stalin, by Victoria E. Bonnell. American Political Science Review.
Kubik, J. Review of Politics and Symbols, Italian Communist Party and The Fall of Communist by David Kertzer, American Journal of Sociology, June 1997.
Other Publications
Kubik, J. and G. Ekiert. “Civil Society From Abroad: the Role of Foreign Assistance in the Democratization of Poland." Refereed Working Paper, Weatherhead Center For International Affairs, Harvard University, pp. 1-59, 2000.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. "Contentious Politics in New Democracies: Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the former East Germany since 1989" (working paper). Program on Central and Eastern Europe. Working Paper Series, Paper no. 41, Center for European Studies, Harvard University.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. "Collective Protest and Democratic Consolidation in Poland, 1989-1993" (working paper). Pew Papers on Central Eastern European Reform and Regionalism, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, 1997.
Ekiert, G and J. Kubik. "(Post)totalitarian Legacies, Civil Society, and Democracy in Post-Communist Poland, 1989-1993" (working paper). Institute for European Studies, Working Paper Series, 97.4, Cornell University, 1997.
Ekiert, G. and J. Kubik. "Contentious Politics in New Democracies: Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and The Former East Germany Since 1989" (working paper). Program on Central and Eastern Europe, working paper series, Number 41, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 1997.
Kubik, J. "Collective Protest and Democratic Consolidation in Poland, 1989-1993" (working paper). A few papers on Central Eastern Reform and Regionalism, Anna Seleny and Ezra Sultiman, editors, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, 1997.
Kubik, J. "Collective Protest and Democratic Consolidation in Poland, 1989-93," Pew Papers on Central Eastern European Reform, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, 1996.
Kubik, J. "Cultural Frames of Collective Protest in Post-Communist Poland" (working paper). Working Paper Series, NOU., International Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1995.
Electronic Publications, Not Refereed
Davidov, V., Kubik, J., Cottica, A., Góralska, M., Kocian, J., Králová, J., Mole, R., Rivera-Cardona, S., Sauerborn, D., Sloboda, Z. and Szymański. W. 2022. “A large-scale ethnography of populism in the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland.” POPREBEL Final Report for Work Package 2. Open access on Zenodo: Pp 175.
Kubik, J. “Complexities of Polish Catholicism.” SHIFT MAG 3, Religions in Europe, (permanently archived, scroll to no.3), 2007.
Kubik, J. Contributor to Nature of the Public Diplomacy Challenge, Department of Social Sciences, United States Military Academy, West Point (not archived), 2007.
Kubik, J. and M. Kubik “Stereotypes.” Global Citizen 2000. Education for a Global Society, Rutgers University, (permanently archived), 2003.
Kubik, J. “20 Years After: discussion on the history of the Solidarity.” Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, November 19, 2000, Denver, Co (Michael Bernhard, Krzysztof Jasiewicz, Padraic Kenney, Jan Kubik and Wojciech Roszkowski. Transcription by Wojciech Kosc and Joanna Rohozinska). Central European Review, Vol 3, No 27, October 8. (permanently archived), 2001.
  Honors and Awards
Faculty Fellow, Seminar on “Vernacular Epistemologies,” Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis, 2008-2010 ($4000 plus a course reduction per year).
Fellowship, Sawyer Seminar of the Advanced Study Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1995-96 ($4,000).
Professional Awards and Honors
2020 President, The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES).
The 2018 Distinguished Achievement Award, The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America (PIASA).
Co-winner of The Giovanni Sartori Book Award (APSA Qualitative and Multi-method Research Section), for Political Ethnography: What Immersion Contributes to the Study of Power, Edward Schatz, ed., 2010.
Distinguished Fulbright Chair in East European Studies, Warsaw University, 2006-07
The Bronislaw Malinowski Social Sciences Award, awarded by Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (with Grzegorz Ekiert), for Rebellious Civil Society, 2001.
The AAASS/Orbis Polish Book Prize, awarded for the best English language book in any discipline, on any aspect of Polish affairs (with Grzegorz Ekiert), for Rebellious Civil Society, 2000.
Scholarship: Younger Scholar Award, Polish Studies Association, the best academic book on Poland, published in 1992-1994, for The Power of Symbols.
International Studies and Programs Grants
01/2019-12/2021: (Grant Amount: $3,270,000) European Commission, Horizon 2020 Project. POPREBEL. Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism. Principal Investigator. Grant amount: EUR 3,000,000. Type of action: Research and Innovation action. Call/Topic: Addressing populism and boosting civic and democratic engagement., Jan Kubik, Richard Mole and team
01/2018-12/2021: (Grant Amount: $3,800,000) European Commission, Horizon 2020 Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Innovative Training Networks. FATIGUE. Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe: Responding to the Rise of Illiberalism/Populism. Co-Pi, Scientist-in-Charge and Managing Director. Grant amount: EUR 3,500,000. An international consortium of six universities, led by UCL SSEES, created an innovative training network that over four years (2018-21) will train fifteen Early Stage Researchers. They work on the rise of right-wing populism in post-communist Europe (and Europe, more generally)., J. Kubik, R. Mole and team
Externally-Funded Research and/or Training Grants
06/2011-03/2012: (Grant Amount: $10,000) Ministry of Science, Poland, grant for data gathering, 2005-2011, Collective Protest in Poland (part of "Strategies of Collective Protest in Democratizing Societies"), Co-PI Jan Kubik (20% effort) and Michal Wenzel
2004-2008: (Grant Amount: $49,000) National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, “The Logic of Civil Society: Contentious Politics in New Democracies: The Hungarian Case", Co-Pi Jan Kubik (70% effort) and Bela Greskovits (CEU, Budapest)
2004-2004: (Grant Amount: $10,000) Faculty Development Fellowship Program, Open Society Institute, “The Development of new curricula and courses for the Department of Sociology, the Tbilisi State University, Georgia", PI Jan Kubik
1997-1999: (Grant Amount: $10,000) Center for European Studies, Harvard University, "Strategies of Collective Protest in Democratizing Societies", Co-PI Jan Kubik (50% effort) and Grzegorz Ekiert (Harvard)
01/1995-12/1996: (Grant Amount: $45,000) DAAD/ACL German American Commission on Cooperative Research, "Strategies of Collective Protest in Democratizing Societies", Co-PI Jan Kubik (40% effort), Grzegorz Ekiert (Harvard), Chrstiane Lemke (Freie Universitat)
04/1994-12/1995: (Grant Amount: $25,000) Program for the Study of Germany and Europe, "Social Protest in Germany", Co-PI jan Kubik (50% effort) and Grzegorz Ekiert (Harvard)
04/1994-12/1995: (Grant Amount: $45,000) National Council for Soviet and East European Studies, "Social Protest in Slovakia and Hungary", Co-Pi Jan Kubik (50% effort) and Grzegorz Ekiert (Harvard)
Internally-Funded Research and/or Training Grants
2003-2004: (Grant Amount: $60,000) Academic Excellence Fund, Rutgers University, “Europe in the Globalizing World: European Studies at Rutgers University”, Co-PI Jan Kubik (80% effort) and Susanna Treesh
  Organizing and Chairing Activities
Participation in Organizing or Chairing Conferences, Workshops, and Organizations
2019-ongoing: Founding Member of Concilium Civitas, a group of prominent Polish social scientists working outside Poland at the world’s best universities (
2019-2021: President (2020), Vice-President (2019), and Immediate Past President (2021), The Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies.
2019-2021: Principal Investigator, POPREBEL. Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism. Grant amount: EUR 3,000,000 (see also International Studies and Programs Grants).
2018-2021: Scientist-in-Charge, FATIGUE. Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe: Responding to the Rise of Illiberalism/Populism. A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action. Grant amount: EUR 3,500,000. (see also International Studies and Programs Grants).
01/2019-10/2019: Organizer and chair, "Right-Wing Populism and Its Discontents. Social Movement Perspectives on The Rise of Populism in Contemporary Poland and Beyond," Polish Sociological Association Annual Convention, Wrocław, Poland, September 11-12, 2019.
2003-ongoing: Co-organizer and Co-PI, research project (with workshops and conferences: The Logic of Civil Society in New Democracies (Hungary, Poland, South Korea and Taiwan)
2010-2014: Co-organizer, research and book project: Twenty Years After: 1989 and the Politics of Memory in Eastern Europe (conference: University of Florida, February 2010)
2006-2013: Organizer and Academic Coordinator, book project: Justice, Hegemony and Social Movements: Views from East/Central Europe and Eurasia, Social Science Research Council, New York
06/2009: Conference co-organizer, panel chair, discussant. International Conference: The Logic of Civil Society in New Democracies: East Asia and East Europe, Academia Sinica, Taipei, June 6-7, 2009.
2007: Co-organizer of the International Warsaw East European Conference, Fourth Annual Session, Warsaw July 15-18, 2007 (duties included: developing the program, chairing sessions, commenting on papers).
2006: Co-organizer, ‘The Humanism of Feliks Gross’s Social Science,’ session: Feliks Gross, the Enlightened Pluralist, 64th Annual Meeting of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, New York, June 3-4, 2006.
2001: Organizer, conference on European Identity and Nationalism, Rutgers University, May 1-13, 2001.
  Teaching Activities
Courses Taught
Collective Protest and Social Movements, Graduate, Rutgers University (last time Fall 2020)
Beyond Political Culture, Graduate, Center for Social Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (yearly, 2003-present)
Introduction to Comparative Politics, Undergraduate, Rutgers University (several times)
Beyond Political Culture, Graduate, Rutgers (Spring 2013 and four times before)
Pro-seminar: Approaches to Comparative Analysis, Graduate, Rutgers University (Spring 2010 and several times before)
Civil Society, Protest and Globalization (395 seminar), Undergraduate, Rutgers University (Spring 2009)
Nationalism (395 seminar), Undergraduate, Rutgers University (several times)
The Quality of Democracy (395 seminar), Undergraduate, Rutgers University (twice)
The Politics of National Identity: Russia and Central Europe, Undergraduate, Rutgers University (Fall 2002)
Research Design, Graduate, Rutgers University (last time Spring 2019)
  Editorial Activities
Membership on Editorial Boards of Scholarly or Professional Journals
2004-ongoing: Member, Editorial Board, East European Politics and Societies
2006-ongoing: Member, Editorial Board, Slavic Review
2009-ongoing: Member, Advisory Board, Studia Socjologiczne, Poland
2007-ongoing: Member, Editorial Board, Polish Sociological Review, Poland
Membership/Offices Held in Scholarly and Professional Societies
1991-ongoing: Member, American Political Science Association.
1986-ongoing: Member, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.
1995-2002: Member, American Anthropological Association.
  Papers, Abstracts, and Lectures
Keynote or Plenary Addresses
"Illiberal Common Sense and Anti-Liberal Art: Symbolic Politics of Exclusion," CEMFOR General Conference 2023: Studying Racism, Discrimination and Exclusion: Historical Contingencies, Troubled Contemporary Terrains, and Future Challenges, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 14-15, 2023.
"Illiberalism as a Culture." Workshop on Researching Illiberalism: Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of a Researcher, Amsterdam Centre for European Studies, University of Amsterdam, June 16, 2023.
"How to explain the rise of right-wing populism? Culture, economy, something else?" Plenary session on Democracy and Radical Politics in Central Eastern Europe, Polish Sociological Association, Annual Convention (online), Warsaw, September 14-17, 2022.
“Poland: Rebellious Civil Society a Quarter of a Century Later” (with Grzegorz Ekiert), Modalities of Resistance: Polish Social Protest Across the Generations. Polish Studies Association Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago via Zoom, April 4, 2021.
"Vectors of contentious mobilization: from below, from above, sideways?" Conference, From below: Reasserting or transcending the democratic paradigm? Zentrum für Osteuropa und Internationale Studien (ZOiS) Conference 2020, Berlin, January 27, 2021.
"The Mythologized Populist Imagination, Carnival Rebellion, and the Fate of Liberal Democracy," Master Lectures in Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, November 19, 2020.
Presidential address, "Rightward Populist Rebellion in East Central Europe: Anxieties, Proselytization, and the Rebirth of Mythical Thinking." Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Annual Convention (online), November 7, 2020.
"A cultural turn in the study of populism: legacies and mobilising discourses" (with Marta Kotwas), University of Kent, Brussels, Belgium, January 16, 2020.
“The Importance of Anniversaries and Commemorations,” The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences, Seventh World Congress on Polish Studies, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, June 14-16, 2019.
“Contextual holism, culture and historicism: searching for a novel approach to (post-communist) transformations,” Inauguration of the Research Cluster for the Study of East Central Europe and the History of Transformations (RECET), University of Vienna, Vienna, April 18, 2018.
Workshop on “The New Left and the New Right. Continuity, Rupture and the Politics of Emotion in Europe,” LSE European Institute, 12 November 2018
"Rebellious students, revolutionary hippies and persecuted Jews: 1968 in Poland." British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies, 2018 Annual Conference, Fitzwilliam College – Churchill College, University of Cambridge, 13-15 April, 2018.
"Polish symbolic wars: from unity in diversity of the Solidarity era to the polarization of 'the Fourth Republic'." (with Marta Kotwas), Poland's Wars of Symbols. Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Bremen, Germany, May 15-16, 2017.
"Beyond Populist Politics: Communities of Despair, Rudderless Lives, and Cultures of Redemption" (with Marta Kotwas), The End of the Liberal Order? Central, East, and Southeast European Populism in Comparative Perspective, International Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich / University of Regensburg / University College London's School of Slavonic and East European Studies, Regensburg, Germany, June 1-3, 2017.
Roundtable "Do Memory Scholars Matter in Memory Politics? Thinking through the Future of Memory," Inaugural Conference of the Memory Studies Association, Amsterdam, 3 December, 2016.
"East European Mnemonic Wars: The Politics of Historical Memory Versus Historical Politics," Dealing With A Difficult Past, Looking Into the Future: Poland’s Transitional Justice in a Comparative Perspective, International Conference, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, May 31 - June 1, 2016.
"Politics of History. What does it stand for"? The Contemporary Interpretation of Historical Legacies in East Central Europe, POLIN, Museum the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, 20-21 May, 2016.
"The Role of Civil Society in Democratization. Inaugural Professorial Lecture," University College London, 21 January 2016.
"Memory and Commemoration After Communism," Discussing & Understanding Europe. European Narratives – Europe and the European Union in the 21st Century as Political, Social and Cultural Constructions, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 24 September 2015.
“The Politics of Memory and Commemoration in Post-communist Europe,” 25 Years after The Baltic Way and the Collapse of Totalitarian Communism: European Memory and Political Inspiration, International Conference, Riga, Latvia, August 21-22, 2014.
International Expert Seminar "Solidarity: A Universal Ideal. Truth and Reconciliation,” the Centre for Thought of John Paul II, Warsaw, May 27, 2014.
"Twenty Years After: The Commemoration of the End of Communism,"Beyond Transition? New Directions in Eastern and Central European Studies, an interdisciplinary Nordic conference in Eastern and Central European Studies, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October 2-4, 2013.
“Twenty Years After: Commemorations of the Fall of State Socialism. A Theory of Postcommunist Memory Politics,” International Interdisciplinary Conference ”Still Postsocialism? Cultural Memory and Social Transformations” at the Center for Cultural Studies of Postsocialism in the Institute for the Comparative Studies of Modernity, Kazan Federal University, Russia, April 19-20, 2013.
"From Transitology to Contextual Holism: A Theoretical Trajectory of Post-Communist studies: Preliminary Remarks" (in Polish), Conference at the Department of Sociology, University of Wroclaw, Poland, June 23, 2010.
'Twenty Years of Post-communism: Assessments and Debates in Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology,' Conference on Central Europe 1989: Lessons and Legacies, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KA, October 18, 2009.
"The 1989 Round Table Agreement," Plenary Panel: 1989 ‘Annus Mirabilis:’ Poland’s Road to Independence, 67th Annual Meeting of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, Jersey City, June 13, 2009.
"Post-communism as a Rorschach Test: Sources and Consequences of Various Models of Post-1989 Transformations," The Donald Treadgold Memorial Lecture, Ellison Center, University of Washington, Seattle, April 14, 2008.
"Nations, States, and Identities in East Central Europe," keynote address, 14th Annual Northwest Regional Conference for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, Nations, Sates, and Identities in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Portland State University, Portland, OR, April 12, 2008.
"Symbolic Politics: Patterns of Mobilization and Demobilization in Communism and Post-communism," Seminar: The Cold War: Politics and Culture Behind the Iron Curtain, The Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, Miami University, Oxford, OH, November 5, 2007.
"Twenty Years of Post-communism (Almost): Preliminary Assessment," plenary lecture at Summer School, Center for East European Studies, the University of Warsaw, July 12, 2007.
"Ameryka – Rosja – Europa Srodkowa: stereotypy i rzeczywistosc" ("America – Russia – Central Europe: stereotypes and the reality"), the Lviv Scientific Library, Lviv, Ukraine, March 26, 2007.
"Postkomunistyczne Transformacje: Rozbiezne Wizje w Naukach Spolecznych" ("Post-communist transformations: divergent vision in the social sciences"), Keynote Address, Winter School, Center for East European Studies, Warsaw University and the Ossolineum, Wroclaw, March 1, 2007.
"Political (De)Mobilization and the Prospects of Civil Society in Post-Transitional Countries," keynote address, interdisciplinary workshop: Political Demobilization, Managed Democracy, and the Prospects for Civil Society in Russia, Kazan University, Kazan, Russia, November 18, 2005.
"Civil Society: Remarks on Its Definition, Measurement, and Relevance," keynote address, Breaking Down Walls: New Directions in Development Studies, Center for Developing Area Studies, McGill University, Montreal, October 6, 2005.
"Cultures of Resistance and Cultures of Protest: Linkages and Barriers," Keynote address at the 2004 Graduate Student Conference, Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, March 5-6, 2004.
"Civil Society: Universal and Portable?" Opening Plenary Session, Civil Society Partnerships for Democracy, International Civil Society Forum, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, September 8-9, 2003.
Invited Addresses
"Illiberalism, Culture Wars and the Fate of Liberal Democracy." Invisible University for Ukraine. 2nd Summer School, Budapest, July 2-10, 2023.
"Solidarity in Poland and Anti-Authoritarianism in Belarus: What can a 21st Century Social Movement for Democratization Learn from a 20th Century one?" (with Tatsiana Kulakevich), European Sociological Association, 15 Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain (online), September 2, 2021.
"Is the Rise of Populism a Symptom or a Driver of Democratic Backsliding? A Socio-Cultural Perspective Eastern Europe 30 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall,” Conference Eastern Europe 30 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, EUI, Florence, November 8-9, 2019.
Panel Participant, "Festival of Freedom and Solidarity," Gdańsk, Poland, June 3-5, 2019.
“Was Communist Europe Totalitarian,” Totalitarianism in Communist-Era Europe Reconsidered, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, April 10-11, 2019.
"PiS's Populist Rebellion Against Modernity: Neo-traditional Reinvention of Polish National Identity and Its Consequences," International Conference, A Year that shook the world: European and Eurasian Responses to America’s Withdrawal, Princeton Institute for Regional and International Studies, Princeton University, 11-13 May 2018.
"Polarizing symbolism of 'thin' and 'thick' populism in Poland: from Solidarity to 'the Fourth Republic'" (prepared with Marta Kotwas), The Crossroads Between Authoritarianism and Democracy, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, October 24, 2017.
"Civilisations and their Mobilisation Today: Western Civilisation," Panelist, The British Museum, London, June 6, 2017.
"SSEES 100: Russia's Future and Europe - Discussion Panel at the House of Commons," House of Commons, London, March 10, 2015.
“Memory, Commemoration, and Postcommunism in Eastern Europe,” the NYU Eastern Europe Workshop, New York City, September 17, 2014.
“Solidarity’s Afterlife: Amidst Forgetting and Bickering,” Research Group “New Approaches to the Solidarity Movement,” Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, June 5, 2014.
“Conceptual Holism: a theoretical trajectory of Postcommunist Studies,” international conference (co-organizer) “Whither Eastern Europe? Changing Political Science Perspectives on the Region," University of Florida, January 9-11, 2014.
"Civil society, protest politics, and the consolidation of democracy," Comparative Politics Workshop, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania, November 8, 2013.
“Twenty Years After. The Politics of Memory in the Celebration of the Fall of Communism in Seventeen Countries of Postcommunist Europe,” seminar on “Four Approaches to Social Change and Social Order, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, June 10, 2013.
"Poland's transition from Communism," the Auschwitz Jewish Center Fellows Program at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City, July 1, 2013.
Roundtable “On Myron J. Aronoff and Jan Kubik, Anthropology and Political Science: A Convergent Approach,” Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 10-13, 2013.
Senior Faculty Advisor, 25th Annual Junior Scholars' Training Seminar, East European Studies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, August 10-13, 2012. 
'The Polish Presidency of the EU: Who Cares?' Polish Lecture Series: Perspectives on the Polish Presidency of the EU, Florida International University, Miami, October 24, 2011.
'Did homo Sovieticus Exist? An Anthropological Critique of Theories of Post-communist Transformations,' Seminar on Social Change and Tradition, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, May 30, 2011.
'What Happened in 1989? A Comparative Study of Historical Memory in Post-communist Countries. Preliminary Conclusions,' Center for East European Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, May 23, 2011.
'Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe,' Conference The Media, Democracy and Public Spheres in Europe, European Studies Centre, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University, March 4-5, 2011.
'Political Ethnography,' Comparative politics seminar, Department of Political Science, The University of Florida, February 3, 2011.
'From Transitology to Contextual Holism: A Theoretical Trajectory of Post-communist Studies,' Comparative politics seminar, Department of Political Science, The University of Florida, September 24, 2010.
'Religion and Post-communism: Sketches for a Theory,' Conference Religious Hegemony and Religious Diversity in Eastern Europe: Postsocialism vis-à-vis the Longue Durée, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany, 24-25 June 2010.
National Science Foundation Workshop on Interpretive
Methodologies in Political Science, Faculty Member, University of Toronto, September
1-2, 2009.
‘Solidarity’s Afterlife: Amidst Bickering and Forgetting,’ The Legacy of Polish Solidarity: Social Activism, Regime Collapse, and Building a New Society, a conference organized within the context of the Polish Year in Israel 2008-2009 (co-organized by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the Graduate School for Social Research in Warsaw, Poland), Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, March 30-31, 2009.
'Observations on Communist and Post-communist Citizenship,' 2009 Roundtable on Post-Communism: Citizenship and Post-Communism, Russian and East European Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 3, 2009.
'Three Lectures on the State of the Art in the Postcommunist Studies,' Center for East European Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, May 19-30, 2008.
‘Europas Nya Demokratier – De Okända Grannar,’ Discussant in a debate, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, April 25, 2007.
‘Models of Post-communist Transformations: An (Irresolvable?) Clash of Anthropological and Politological Perspectives,’ Sodertorns Hogskola, University College, Stockholm, April 23, 2007.
‘Approaches to Comparative Political Analysis (and EE/postcommunist examples), Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, April 19, 2007.
‘Defining and Measuring Democracy (in Eastern Europe): Definitional Shifts and Inter-disciplinary Quarrels,’ annual conference: Quality of Democracy in Eastern and Central European countries, the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (IIRPS) of Vilnius University and Lithuanian Political Science Association (LPSA), Vilnius, Lithuania, December 14-15, 2006.
‘Cultural Framing: Beyond Common Understandings of Communication,’ conference: Public Diplomacy Project. Roundtable on the Nature of the U.S. Public Diplomacy Challenge, United States Military Academy, West Point, February 23-4, 2006.
‘Identity Politics in Central Europe: Main Issues,’ conference on Redefining Europe, Meeting of Centers for the Study of Europe, East and West, NYU, New York, November 30, 2001.
Papers, Abstracts, and Lectures
"Political (and Economic) Winners and Losers Revisited," Workshop on Transitions to Democracy Revisited, Princeton University, September 29-30, 2023.
"Social sciences - presenter and moderator." International Conference “The Future of Polish Studies,” The University of Warsaw, Warsaw, July 6-7, 2023.
“Situational analysis as the primary method in the study of culture and power/politics: Malinowski’s study of the imponderabilia of actual life and beyond.” Conference on The Legacy of Bronisław Malinowski in Present-Day Social Sciences and Humanities, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, September 26-27, 2022.
"Polexit: When and How, If at All?" Roundtable, Twenty-Eighth International Conference of Europeanists. The Environment of Democracy, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | Lisbon, Portugal June 29-July 1, 2022.
"Would Chantal Mouffe be comfortable in Jaroslav Hašek’s Party of Moderate Progress Within the Bounds of the Law? Democratic culture between agonism and moderation." The Nuffield College workshop on What is Democracy? Theories, Practices, Values. Oxford, June 16-17, 2022.
"International Research Roundtable Everyday Activism in Central and Eastern Europe." Faculty of Arts, Vancouver Campus
Department of Political Science, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 12, 2022.
"A political crisis or a tectonic cultural shift? The meaning of the current right-wing populist wave (and its legacies)." Conference on Still the Age of Populism, University of Florida, Gainesville, April 22-24, 2022.
“The Role of Civil Society and Protest Politics in Democratic Consolidation (Hungary, Poland, South Korea and Taiwan) (co-authored with Grzegorz Ekiert and Michal Wenzel), Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 28 – September 2, 2014.
“Twenty Years After: The Politics of Memory in Postcommunist Democracies” (with Michael Bernhard), Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 28 – September 2, 2014.
“Civil Society in Poland after the fall of communism: A diachronic perspective” (with Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard University and Michal Wenzel, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw), the 20th International Conference of Europeanists, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 25-27, 2013.
“Inside Politics: Studying States and Societies From Within” (discussant), Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 10-13, 2013.
“The Cultures of Victimhood“ discussant, conference on “Complaints: Cultures of Grievances in Eastern Europe and Eurasia,” Princeton University, March 8-9, 2013.
‘What Commemorations of 1989 and 1991 Teach Us About Memory and Politics,’ A Europe of Diversities, 19th International Conference of Europeanists, Boston, March 23, 2012, with M. Bernhard, University of Florida (Bernhard and I co-organized two-session panel).
‘Culture, Political Culture and Post-communist Transformations: A Review of Theory and Empirical Findings,’ The Media, Democracy and Political Culture Workshop, Perugia, Perugia University, Italy, March 9, 2012.
‘Collective Action and Political Change,’ Panelist, Round Table Discussion, New Brunswick, Rutgers University, March 5, 2012.
‘Civil Society and Grassroots politics in Poland,’ Training program: Civil society and grassroots politics in new democracies, authoritarian and hybrid regimes, Seoul, Korea University, South Korea, January 10, 2012.
‘State-Society Relations: Social Movements Theory and Research,’ Training program: Civil society and grassroots politics in new democracies, authoritarian and hybrid regimes, Seoul, Korea University, South Korea, January 8, 2012, with G. Ekiert, Harvard and M. Wenzel, Warsaw University.
‘Illiberal Challenge to Liberal Democracy: The Case of Poland,’ Conference on A Liberal Challenge?: Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in New Democracies, Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes, Seoul, Korea University, South Korea, January 6, 2012.
‘What's love (hate) got to do with it? Some observations on the social and cultural contexts of “emotional politics,"’ Interdisciplinary symposium on Politics and Emotions, Lund University, Sweden, December 16, 2011.
'The Uses of History: The Contentious Legacy of 1989 Twenty Years After,' 18th International Conference of Europeanists, Barcelona, Spain, June 20-22, 2011, with M. Bernhard.
'Theoretical Frame' and 'The Polish Case,' Conference: Twenty Years After: 1989 and the Politics of Memory, The University of Florida, February 4-6, 2011, with M. Bernhard.
'Civil Society in New Democracies: Cross – Regional Comparisons.' Convener, participant, and table leader, table on Field Research II (Participant observation, political ethnography, etc.): “Overseas,” Methods Café, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, September 2-5, 2010.
‘From Transitology to Contextual Holism: A Theoretical Trajectory of Post-Communist Studies: Preliminary Remarks’ (in Polish), Department of Sociology, University of Wroclaw, Poland, June 23, 2010.
'Remarks on Polish politics after Smolensk,' 15th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, April 15-17, 2010.
'Locating the Vernacular in Theories of Post-Communist Transformations,' Vernacular Epistemologies Seminar at the Center for Historical Analysis, Rutgers, March 9, 2010, with A. Linch.
'Roundtable on the 1989 Polish Roundtable: Legacies and Controversies Twenty Years After,' panel participant, 41st National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, MA, November 12-15, 2009.
'East Central Europe 1999-2009 (some trends, a few worries),' symposium: Twenty Years of Transformations: East-Central Europe since 1989, Center for European Studies, Rutgers University, October 30, 2009.
'Assessment of the 20 years of Post-communist Transformations in Poland,' seminar on Poland for Ambassador Lee Feinstein, the US Department of State, The University Club, Washington, D.C., October 6, 2009.
'Ethnographic Methods in Political Science: What Difference Can They Make?' Panel participant and table leader, table on Field Research II (Participant observation, political ethnography, etc.): “Overseas,” Methods Café, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, September 3-6, 2009.
'Civil Society in Poland: Case Study,' International Conference: The Logic of Civil Society in New Democracies: East Asia and East Europe, Academia Sinica, Taipei, June 6-7, 2009.
'Communism and Post-communism: Their Conceptualizations and Assessments in Today’s Social Sciences,' anniversary conference History and Contemporary State of Eastern Studies, University of Warsaw, October 26-28, 2008.
“McCain – Obama: A Breakthrough or Continuation in American Presidential Elections?” Participant, public debate, Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Warsaw, October 30, 2008.
'Politics of Memory in Europe,' session chair and discussant, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, August 27, 2008.
'Political ethnography,' table leader, Methods Café, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, August 27, 2008.
'Interpretive Methods,' panel participant, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, August 27, 2008.
'The Cultural Legacies of the Socialist Past,' conference Post-accession Blues in Central and Eastern Europe, System Planning Corporation, US Department of State, Washington, DC, July 18, 2008.
‘Learning from our Earlier Projects: How to Conceptualize and Measure Civil Society?’ workshop The Logic of Civil Society in New Democracies (Hungary, Poland, South Korea and Taiwan) Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, May 2-4, 2008.
‘Interpretation and Interpretivism in Political Science,’ Emerging Trends Seminar, Department of Political Science, Rutgers University, March 10, 2008.
‘Models of Post-Communist Transformations: Are Political Science and Cultural Anthropology Compatible,’ Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, November 9, 2007.
‘The challenges to democracy in the post-communist world,’ panel moderator, International Warsaw East European Conference, Fourth Annual Session, Warsaw July 15-18, 2007, with D. Ost, R. Markowski, K. Bachman.
‘Models of Post-Communist Transformations: Are Political Science and Cultural Anthropology Compatible,’ Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Kuczewska’s Seminar, Warsaw, June 18, 2007.
‘Models of Post-Communist Transformations: Are Political Science and Cultural Anthropology Compatible,’ Warsaw School of Social Psychology (SWPS), Warsaw, June 12, 2007.
'Post-komunizm po 20 latach: co badac (i jak?)’ (Post-communism after 20 years: what and how should we study?), Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, May 17, 2007.
‘Models of Post-Communist Transformations: Are Political Science and Cultural Anthropology Compatible,’ Department of Sociology, the University of Warsaw, May 10, 2007;
‘Models of Post-Communist Transformations: Are Political Science and Cultural Anthropology Compatible,’ Department of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, May 7, 2007.
‘Models of Post-Communist Transformations: Are Political Science and Cultural Anthropology Compatible,’ Sodertorns Hogskola, University College, Stockholm, April 23, 2007;
‘How to Study Social Movements,’ seminar at ISNS (Institute of Applied Social Sciences), the University of Warsaw, April 20, 2007.
‘Justice, Hegemony and Social Movements: Views from East/Central Europe and Eurasia,’ a background paper for the SSRC workshop (organized together with the center for East European Studies, Warsaw University), Warsaw, April 13-15, 2007.
‘Models of Post-Communist Transformations: Are Political Science and Cultural Anthropology Compatible,’ Department of Anthropology, the University of Warsaw, April 18, 2007;
‘Models of Post-Communist Transformations: Are Political Science and Cultural Anthropology Compatible,’ Department of Sociology, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, February 28, 2007;
‘East Central Europe: Political Trends after the Last Round of Elections,’ conference: Future of the political scene in Central Europe, the Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, December 12, 2006.
‘Ethnography after Post-modern (de)construction: Is It Still Useful for Political Science?’ conference: Political Ethnography: What Insider Perspectives Contribute to the Study of Power, University of Toronto, October 26-28, 2006.
‘Growth to Limits?’ panel discussant, conference: New Europe and Its Growth to Limits? Third Mokrzycki Symposium, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, October 21, 2006.
‘The Humanism of Feliks Gross’s Social Science,’ session: Feliks Gross, the Enlightened Pluralist (co-organizer), 64th Annual Meeting of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, New York, June 3-4, 2006.
‘State and Civil Society. Traditions and New Forms of Governing,’ conference: Staat und Zivilgesellschaft/State and Civil Society, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Vienna, May 8-9, 2006.
‘Avant-garde Theater Contra State Socialism: What was Global before the Era of Globalization (in Tadeusz Kantor’s Theater)?’ conference: Samizdat and Underground Culture in the Soviet Bloc Countries, The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 6-7, 2006.
‘The Political Afterlife of ‘Solidarity’ and the Polish Round Table: from Symbolic Hegemony to Failed Mnemonic Reconciliation,’ East Central Europe, Soviet Union and Russia, Post-Soviet and Post-Communist Countries since 1980: Warsaw East European Conference, Warsaw University, July 20-22, 2005.
‘Civil Society: Universal and Portable?’ Building Democracy and Civil Society in ‘New Europe,’ The Second Edmund Mokrzycki Symposium, The Center for Social Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, November 19-20, 2004.
‘Solidarity: From Symbolic Hegemony to Symbolic Capitulation,’ Gdansk – Warsaw – Copenhagen – Athens: Stages on the Road to a United Europe, conference on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the relegalization of Solidarity, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, June 4-6, 2004.
‘Avant-garde Artists as Unintentional Dissidents: Reflections on Partial Openings of the Political Opportunity Structure and Their Unintended Consequences under State Socialism,’ Workshop on Protest Politics and Social Movements (convened by me), Center for Comparative European Studies, Rutgers University, April 30, 2004.
'Classical Theories and Enduring Problems of Democracy in European Politics,' discussant and chair, 14th International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March 11-13, 2004.
'The Changing Worlds of Eastern Europe and the Middle East: contrasting pictures from political anthropology and political science,' American Anthropological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, November, 20-23, 2003, with M. Aronoff.
'Between Romanticism and Censorship: Visions of Polish History in Andrzej Wajda’s Cinema,' Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Toronto, November 23, 2003.
‘The EU Accession Process and Domestic Reaction,’ a Symposium on Polish Foreign Policy Challenges and Domestic Reactions, a Gala Opening of the Polish Studies Program at Columbia University, October 31, 2003.
‘Political Imagination, Political Culture, Transcultural Currents: Creating a Movement and its Cultures,’ commentator, Workshop on Protest 1960s and 1980s: Trans- and Intercultural Perspectives, Rutgers, October 13, 2003.
‘European Union in the 21st century: Enlargement, Governance, Identity,’ a Rutgers University workshop sponsored by the Teach Europe program for high school teachers of French and German language, as well as any other EU language, Social Studies, and History, October 3, 2003.
Workshop on East European politics, Discussant, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, April 25, 2003.
‘Constructing ‘Europeanness’ Behind the Iron Curtain,’ Art in Context: Multi-disciplinary Investigations of the Zimmerli Collection, Zimmerli Museum, Rutgers, February 13, 2003.
‘Civil Society and the Postcommunist Transformations,’ a public lecture at the Baltic Forum Club, Riga, Latvia, October 10, 2002.
Workshop discussion on Empire’s New Clothes. Unveiling EU Enlargement, E-book, edited by Jozsef Borocz and Melinda Kovacs, commentator Department of Sociology, Rutgers, October 30, 2002.
‘Newest Trends in the Study of Civil Society in Eastern Europe,’ Department of Political Science, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, October 14, 2002.
A Lecture Series on Teaching Courses on Political Culture, Social Movements, and Civil Society, within the program: The development of new curricula and courses for the Department of Sociology, the Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, July 2002.
‘Civil Society as a Discourse and a Form of Social Organization,’ Polish Academy of Sciences, Seminar on postcommunist transformations, May 21, 2002.
‘Four Socialisms and Their Postcommunist Afterlives,’ Rethinking Socialism Symposium, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 26, 2002.
‘The Pope and the Black Madonna: The Icons of the Solidarity Revolution,’ Symposia: Religion, Repression, Revolution: The Churches in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union Before and During the Upheavals of 1989‑1991, The Nanovic Institute for European Studies, University of Notre Dame, April 19, 2002.
‘Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania: the arts of resistance and rebellion,’ lecture at the Zimmerli Museum, Rutgers University, January 15, 2002.
'Political Science Research in Eastern Europe: European Integration,' panel chair and discussant, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, November 9-10, 2001.
‘Poland: Perspectives on Progress,’ panelist, The Elon Series on Central and Eastern Europe, Elon Center for Public Affairs, Elon College, North Carolina, September 24, 2001.
‘Eastern Europe,’ session on ‘Social Capital and Community in Europe and Beyond: Should We Be Worried?’ at the conference on Community and Citizenship in an Era of Globalization, the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, Tufts University European Center, Talloires, France, June 22-24, 2001.
‘Negotiating European Identity on the margins of a Nation,' keynote speaker, conference on European Identity and Nationalism, Rutgers University, May 1-13, 2001.
‘Conceptualizing the Post-communist State,’ discussant and chair, conference on State-Building in Post-communist States: Toward Comparative Analysis, Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University, New Haven, April 27-28, 2001.
‘The Power of Symbols: What was it Good for?’ conference From Peaceful Revolution to Success in a New Europe: Poland, 1980-2000, Columbia University, New York, December 1, 2000.
'Solidarity – Twenty Years Later,' panelist, Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Denver, November 19, 2000.
'Authoritarian Legacies and Good Democracy: Southern Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective,' Commentator, 96th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, August 31 - September 3, 2000.
'Civil Society in Postcommunism as a Discourse and as a Mode of Social Organization,' the 6th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Krakow, Poland, July 26-29, 2000.
‘Contentious Politics in East Central Europe,’ Workshop on ‘Contentious Politics in the Developing World,’ Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, October 13-15, 2000, with G. Ekiert.
‘Silences of the Countryside and Provinces,’ moderator and commentator, conference on ‘The Silences of Solidarity,’ The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September 21-23, 2000.
‘Malinowski and Central Europe,’ ad hoc remarks at the Plenary Session, ‘Crossing Categorical Boundaries: ‘Central Europe’ as ‘the Periphery’,’ 6th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Krakow, Poland, July 26-29, 2000.
'Cultural Legacies of State Socialism: Of History-making and Cultural-political Entrepreneurship in Postcommunist Poland and Russia.' Twelfth International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March 30 - April 1, 2000.
‘Cultural Legacies of State Socialism: Of History-making and Cultural-political Entrepreneurship in Postcommunism,’ Conference on ‘Postcommunist Transitions a Decade Later: How Far East Can Western Europe Go?,’ The Program for The Study of Germany and Europe, Harvard University, Cambridge, October 15-17, 1999.
‘Political Conflict in Contemporary Central Europe,’ Harriet Elliott Social Science Symposium on ‘Managing Political Conflict in Divided Societies,’ The University of North Carolina, Greensboro, February 24-25, 1999.
'Does Culture Matter in Postcommunist Transformations? Bipolar Cultural Frames in Polish Post-1989 Politics,' Workshop "Ideas, Culture, Political Analysis," Princeton University, Princeton, May 15-16, 1998.
'Civil Society in Postcommunism as a Discourse and as a Mode of Social Organization. Preliminary Remarks,' Conference "Vocabularies of Identity in Russia and Eastern Europe," The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 3-4, 1998.
'Rebeliousness and Civility: Protest Politics in Poland under Communism and Postcommunism,' Conference "Poland: Social and Cultural Paradigms," Centre Marc Bloch and WZB, Berlin, November 6-8, 1997.
'Totalitarian Legacies, Civil Legacies, Civil Society and Democracy in East Central Europe,' 92nd Annual Meeting of APSA, San Francisco, August 29-September 1, 1996, with G. Ekiert.
'Strategies of Collective Protest in Democratizing Societies, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Former East Germany, 1989-97,' Mellon Workshop on Democratication School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, March 13, 1997.
"Contentious Institutionalization: The Politics of Protest in East Central Europe," 28th National Convention of the AAASS, 14-17, November 1996.
'Central Europe or a Habsburg Legacy,' Workshop on Central Europe, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, February 20, 1997.
'Between the State and Networks of 'Cousins,'' Civil Society and the Fall of State Socialism in Central Europe Conference on Civil Society Before Democracy, Department of Politics and Department of History, Princeton University, October 6-7, 1996.
'Strategies of Collective Protest in Democratizing Societies,' Princeton University, Princeton, March 29, 1996, with G. Ekiert.
'Strategies of Collective Protest in Democratizing Societies,' Tenth International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March 1996, with G. Ekiert.
'Rebellious Civil Society and Consolidation of Democracy in Poland, 1989-93,' Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, February 1996.
'Collective Protest and Democratic Consolidation in Poland, 1989-93,' International Conference on Democracy, Markets, and Civil Societies in Post 1989 East Central Europe, Harvard University, Cambridge, May 17-19, 1996, with G. Ekiert.
'Institutionalization of Protest During Democratic Consolidation,' Conference on Movement Societies or the Institutionalization of Protest, Cornell University, Ithaca, March 1996.
'Understanding and Explaining Post-Communist Consolidation: Does Culture Matter,' 27th National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, DC, October 1995.
'Rebellious Civil Society and the Consolidation of Democracy in Poland, 1989-93,' International Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October, 1995.
'Politics of Protest in Post-Communist Poland,' Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, Poland, August 1995, with G. Ekiert.
'Conservative Motifs in Polish Post-Communist Politics,' The CSST Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1995.
  Students Supervised
Master's or Doctoral Students by Type of Supervision
Doctoral - Primary
Santos, Rivera-Cardona, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Carolin Heilig, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, SSEES, University College London.

Anna Stanisz-Lubowiecka, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, SSEES, University College London

Andrea Peinhopf, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, SSEES, University College London.

Marta Kotwas, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, SSEES, University College London.

Ion Marandici, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Andrew Spath, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Gulia Saraeva, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Alina Vamanu, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Teflah Alajmi, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Kira Jumet, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University.

Brian Humphreys, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Diah Kusumaningrum, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Kelly Clancy, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Susanne Levi-Sanchez, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Yustina Saleh, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Amy T. Linch, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Ioana Bunescu, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Louise Marie Coolidge, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Ionas Rus, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Marat Akopian, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Arkadi Toritsyn, Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University
Doctoral - Committee
Tibor Purger, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Gregory Zucker, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Zainab Alam, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Anja Vojvodic, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Alena Oaka, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Goldsmith College, London

Irena Kalhousova, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, London School of Economics

Katarzyna Jezowska, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Oxford University

Cristina Gherasimov, Committee Member, Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Elton Meka, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School, Newark, Rutgers University

Marcin Slarzynski, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Evren Yalaz, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University.

Andre Simonyi, External Committee Member Doctoral Dissertation, Political Science, University of Ottawa

Sangyup Lee, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Adryan Wallace, Co-Primary Advisor Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Simantini Mukherjee, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Dalia Fahmy, Committe Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Patricia T. Young, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Benjamin Peters, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University.

Ghenadi, Mardari, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Igor Pietraszewski, External Reader Doctoral Thesis, Sociology, Wroclaw University, Poland

Michael Rossi, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Helen J. Delfeld, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Regina Akopian, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Quin Zhang, Committe Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Stacey Hunt, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Denise Horn, Committe Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Michelle Ruiters, Committe Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Yianna, Liatsos, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, English, Rutgers University

Dorothy Weaver, Committee Member, Anthropology, Rutgers University

Dana Brown, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Government, MIT

Katharine Bedford, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Melinda Kovacs, Committe Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Pierre Atlas, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Bernard Ivan Tamas, Committe Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Vitali Siltski, Committe Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University

Vojin Rakic, Committee Member Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Trainees
Gumrukcu, Selin Bengi, IIE-SRF Fellow, Visiting Scholar, Rutgers, 2018-20
Karusheva, Iuilia, Ivanovo State University, Russia, 2018-9.
Mateusz Mazzini, Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (advised at UCL), 2017-8.
Piotr Binder, Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (advised at UCL), 2016.
Ivars Ijabs, Political Science, the University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 2010-11.
Tibor Meszmann, Political Science, CEU Budapest, 2007.
Annamaria Orla-Bukowska, Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 2004-5.
  Community Service
Contributions to the Advancement of the Academic Profession
2020-ongoing: Member, Advisory Board, Center for the Study of Democracy, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland
01/2020-12/2020: President, Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies
2020-ongoing: Member, Scientific Board, Taube Centre in Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
2017-2022: Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Polish Institute of Advanced Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2016-ongoing: Member, Scientific Council, Department I – the Humanities and Social Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2012-2014: Member, Board of the Committee on Concepts and Methods, International Political Science Association
2010-2012: Member, International Advisory Council of the Institute for the Comparative Study of Modernity, Kazan Federal University, Russian Federation
2005-2008: Member, Regional Advisory Panel, Program on Eurasia, Social Science Research Council, New York
07/2001-07/2003: Member and reviewer, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Central Europe Review Committee
07/1998-07/2003: Member and reviewer, American Council of Learned Societies, Committee on East European Studies
04/1996: Member, External Review Committee, The Harriman Institute and the Institute on East Central Europe, Columbia University.
1996-1999: Vice-President, Polish Studies Association.